If not dealt with promptly and effectively, residential health and safety issues can lead to residents leaving their family homes prematurely and unnecessarily, creating plenty of anxiety and relocation expense.

These issues are particularly relevant for Australians reaching years where the ageing process is throwing up challenges or those living with a disability, but a new service from Archicentre Australia helps residents to remain in their own homes.

A Home Access and Services Report involves a fully qualified, independent Archicentre Australia architect visiting the home and assessing it inside and out to check for issues or risks that can be rectified through maintenance or modifications.

Archicentre Australia director Peter Georgiev says, “The Home Access & Services Report helps ensure people can remain in a safe, secure, sound and healthy family home for much longer.”

The service covers three categories – health and safety matters, home faults, and energy and wastage factors.

Among the health and safety matters assessed are damp, mould and/or ventilation; unsanitary conditions; flammable risks, slip and trip hazards; bathroom and toilet doors – can they be opened from the outside; glazing hazards; hoarding; heating; electrical hazards; security, such as effective external door locks and window catches; and smoke alarms – are they installed correctly.

The checks will also include other potential issues, such as external security lighting, visibility to the front fence, and ramp/step rails and lighting.

Following the visit and assessment, a priority list is prepared which enables the resident, in conjunction with family, friends and advisers, including occupational therapists, to make appropriate decisions in a timely manner.

Peter Georgiev says, “The architect investigates and advises on the probable cause of any defect or issue of concern, including the provision of advice on its repair or maintenance. The architect recommends the possible trades, profession or technical expert to undertake further investigation and/or the repair or rectification of the issue.

“By eliminating health and safety risks, you’ll be prolonging independence, your quality of life as well as adding value to your home,” he says.


For more information about the Home Access & Services Report service, visit

https://www.archicentreaustralia.com.au/property-assessments/home-access-services/ or call Archicentre Australia on 1300 13 45 13.


This media release has been written and distributed by:

Archicentre Australia

Peter Georgiev, Director

Level 1, 9 Strathalbyn Street,

Kew East, VICTORIA, 3102

Phone: 1300 13 45 13 | 03 9859 9950