Only a few years ago ‘smart wiring’ was all the rage – bundles of cables cunningly concealed within walls, floors and ceilings to enable the connection and operation of various items of computing or entertainment hardware from anywhere in a home.

How quaint!

These days, wireless technology and internet connectivity enables us to access, activate and control an infinite number of automated networks from anywhere at any time including home security, climate control and lighting systems.

This new-found digital capability not only eliminates the need for expensive cabling but it also frees up floor-planning. There’s no need to think about any restrictions that might be created by hard-wired communication systems. Planning can be based on more sensible considerations like zoning, orientation and spatial relationship.

There’s also no or less of a need for a dedicated ‘control centre’ and there may be no need for a dedicated study or home office. Think about it when you’re putting together the wish-list for your new home or renovation.