The Dilapidation Survey Report is a special purpose property assessment report undertaken to provide a visual assessment of constructional and cosmetic fabric defects, which are or may be related to movement of the structure or fabric of the subject property evident on the day of the inspection prior to the commencement of neighbouring construction works.

Each report will provide a photographic record of evident constructional or related defects.



The architect can only assess reasonably accessible parts of the property without the use of a ladder or the removal of any furniture, fittings – be they fixed or otherwise – cladding, or lining materials, plants or soil. The extent of accessible areas will be determined by the architect at the time of the assessment.

Workplace Health and Safety access conditions apply subject to relevant State and Territory regulations.

Areas in excess of 3.0 m above ground level can only be visually assessed from ground level, through windows from within the building, or from a balcony or an accessible roof where safe balustrading or fall prevention barriers are permanently installed. High level access equipment may provide access where this has been explicitly requested and agreed in writing prior to the inspection. The assessment does not include an inspection of sub-floor or ceiling voids.

Reasonable Access may not be possible due to physical obstructions or conditions that may be hazardous or unsafe to the architect. Access restrictions will be noted where appropriate.


In accordance with AS2870 – Residential slabs and footings – Construction, Appendix C1: Classification of damage with reference to walls, evident cracking will be classified within the following categories.


Selected attachments are an important part of each Report. These include:

  • Property Maintenance Guide
  • Health & Safety Warning
  • Cost Guide

Terms & Conditions

The Report will be prepared by Archicentre Australia – a division of ArchiAdvisory Pty Ltd – and the named architect and will be supplied to you (the named client) on the basis of and subject to the Scope and these Terms and Conditions. Archicentre accepts no responsibility to other persons relying on the Report.

The Report will be prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and to any other Australian Standards cited in these Terms and Conditions.

This Report is prepared on a visual assessment of the condition of reasonably accessible parts of the property and on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of the inspection and does not cover enquiries of councils or other authorities.

Prolonged periods of wet or dry weather may cause structural changes to the property as described in the Property Maintenance Guide which you can download from the link found in the body of the Report and in the Report cover letter.

This Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas, defects that are concealed and/or not reasonably visible, defects that may be apparent in other weather conditions or defects that have not yet arisen.

The Scope and Terms and Conditions take precedence over any oral or written representations.

  1. After making the booking, the client is deemed to have accepted the Scope and Terms and Conditions upon the architect arriving on site.
  2. The Report is not a guarantee but is an opinion of the condition of the inspected property.
  3. Archicentre Australia accepts no liability with respect to work carried out by other trades, consultants or practitioners referred by Archicentre. It is the property owner’s responsibility to make appropriate contractual arrangements with such persons.
  4. The Report is not a certificate of compliance for the property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance or local by-law.
  5. Archicentre Australia does not accept responsibility for services other than those provided in this Report.
  6. This Report does not include a pest inspection. Clients wishing to have a full pest infestation check should advise Archicentre who will arrange for a separate pest inspection.

The Report does not cover:

  1. the identification of asbestos related products or the condition or operation of swimming pools, spas and similar facilities.
  2. Condition, adequacy or compliance of electrical, gas and plumbing systems including roof plumbing, underground pipes or drainage systems;
  3. Footings below ground, soil conditions, site factors and hazards;
  4. All maintenance items, particularly those such as jamming doors, windows or catches, decorative finishes and hairline or slight cracks (Category 0 and 1 of Appendix C – Australian Standard AS 2870-2011).
  5. Archicentre Australia’s liability shall be limited to the provision of a new assessment and report or the payment of the cost of a new assessment and report, at the election of Archicentre Australia.
  6. The Archicentre Australia Property Maintenance Guide constitutes a vital part of the architect’s recommendations and failure to observe either the recommendations in the report or the Property Maintenance Guide could lead to premature deterioration of the property.
  7. The Health and Safety Warnings constitutes a vital part of Archicentre Australia’s recommendation to you. Failure to observe the provisions of the warning sheet could jeopardise the safety of the occupants.
  8. The Report and its appendices and attachments, as issued by Archicentre Australia, takes precedence over any oral advice or draft reports, to the extent of any inconsistencies, and only the Report and its appendices and attachments, which form a vital part of the architect’s recommendations, shall be relied upon by you.
  9. If you are dissatisfied with the Report you agree to promptly give Archicentre Australia written notice specifying the matters about which you are dissatisfied and allow Archicentre Australia to attempt to resolve the matters with you within 28 days of receipt by Archicentre Australia of such written notice before taking any remedial action or incurring any costs.
  10. Reference to Archicentre Australia in this Report and any other documentation includes, where the context permits, its agents and representatives authorised to act on its behalf.
  11. These Terms and Conditions are in addition to, and do not replace or remove, any rights or implied guarantees conferred by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or any other consumer protection legislation.