The great 1960’s Australian aim of home ownership is no longer just putting a roof over your head, according to Archicentre Australia, it is all about liveability, which encompasses lifestyle, comfort and sustainability.
The national architect’s advisory service director Peter Georgiev says residents are demanding more from their homes but must balance liveability with their budget, which adds affordability to the equation.
In order to create a home that is healthy, efficient, comfortable and connected to local factors such as climate, community and accessibility, he says it is vital to utilise the services of an architect as they have expertise in all.
“With new builds or additions and alterations to existing properties the rigorous efforts of an architect ensures liveability as well as affordability.
“For those considering purchasing an existing residence, Archicentre Australia also has an assessment service conducted by its architects that takes into account possible improvements to enhance liveability,” he says.
Archicentre Australia’s architects are ‘general practitioners’ of the building industry, Peter Georgiev says, and are able to deal with all matters relating to design quality and maintenance.
“Over the last 20 years there has been an increased focus on getting houses built as quickly as possible and there has subsequently been an increase in volume-based builders. In many instances insufficient attention is paid to material selection, construction quality let alone design factors such as well understood “passive design” principles. These enhance lifestyle, comfort and sustainability.
“Design quality including choice of appropriate materials and their detailed application can be incorporated into all residential construction and the cost of the architect is more than compensated for in provision of a home that realises aims, reduces running costs and adds to re-sale value.
“The cost should be considered as an investment.
“At all stages architects work with residents to make sure their home provides the lifestyle they want within their budget. This applies to the purchase cost as well as the cost of living upon occupancy.”
Peter Georgiev says, “Liveability should result in human scale spaces inside and out, and these factors are becoming attractive to home buyers, therefore boosting property values of well-designed homes.
“It’s more than just energy efficiency or comfort, it’s an entire cultural experience,” he adds.
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This media release has been written and distributed by:
Archicentre Australia
Peter Georgiev
Level 1, 9 Strathalbyn Street,
Kew East, VICTORIA, 3102
Phone: 1300 13 45 13 | 03 9859 9950
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